Arrive in Ulaanbaatar. Welcome dinner. Activities: Welcome dinner Meals: dinner Accomodation: Hotel
Mongol Nomadic
Drive: 55 km Highlights: Mongol Nomadic show, Ulaanbaatar
marathon Activities: Running in marathon, Explore and
experience nomadic family lifestyle, Horse headed fiddle performance Meals: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Accommodation: Ger camp Ulaanbaatar international marathon: 06:00
– 08:00 run a race Route arrangement: Whole journey: 42.195km Half journey: 21.0975km Quarter journey:
10.548km Mini marathon: 5km
Drive: 240 km Highlights: steppe marathon, Mini sand dunes Activities: Running through the steppe, Riding
camel, playing sand volleyballs Meals: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Accommodation: Hoyor Zagal Ger camp Mongol nomadic Marathon: 06:00 – 08:00 Route arrangement: Mongol Nomadic –
Steppe – Mongol Nomadic (Whole journey: 10 km)
Terelj National Park
Drive: 340 km Highlights: Sand dune marathon, Terelj
National Park Activities: Running to the sand dunes,
visiting local nomadic family, riding horse Meals: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Accommodation: Ger camp Bayangobi Marathon: 06:00 – 08:00 Route arrangement: Hoyor Zagal camp –
Desert – Hoyor Zagal camp (Whole journey: 10 km)
Chinggis Khan monument – Ulaanbaatar
Drive: 120 km Highlights: Terelj marathon, Chinggis Khan
monument, Ulaanbaatar, Sukhbaatar Square, National history museum Activities: Running through the national park,
Touring to Chinggis Khan statue, Ulaanbaatar city tour, Traditional music and dance
performance Meals: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Accommodation: Hotel The monument of Chingiss Khaan marathon: 06:00 – 08:00 Route arrangement: The monument of Chingiss Khan –Tuul River – The monument of
Chingis Khaan (Whole journey: 10.195 km)
International departures